... again about silence...
We have made it clear that the silence, we’re here talking about, can be present even in the middle of the most deafening noise...
... in the calmness of the mind…
... quieting our thoughts...
... even if we keep being engaged in life ...
But the practice of silence, of the quietness of the mind, is actually a sort of work in progress ... a path of growing awareness...
For somebody, this path may be easier and/or faster than for others...
It is always, however, something preparatory to something much more significant...
... the Listening of the Silence...
In the eastern spiritual traditions, these "concepts" have been a "widespread collective heritage" for millennia...
In Western countries, they are quite always and only a prerogative of the so-called mystics, almost always "gagged" and "repressed"... or at least, almost always they tried to "gag" and "repress" them ... even surrounding the whole matter of fear, suspicion, prejudice...
Teresa d'Avila, then recognized as a Doctor of the Church, was accused of being possessed by demons, brought before the Court of the Inquisition, harassed and obstructed in every possible way... But in the end she was appointed Doctor of the Church... The Spirit won...
Then, spirituality we necessarily get to talk about, when speaking about silence?
Hopefully yes, but not necessarily...
Scientific findings have shown, and still show us, how "meditative states", achieved by quietening the mind, can produce real changes in brain waves, making it easier to achieve calmness, serenity, mental and working efficiency...
The practice of silence, in the quietness of thoughts, is therefore the best antidote to the negative effects of our modern lifestyle... faster and faster, so often too fast, agitated, if not even convulsive, often resulting in psycho-physical stress, agitation, unhappiness...
In short, can learning to quiet our mind be useful in our daily lives?
Yes, it can.
Let’s keep following these scattered crumbs...
… they bring Far…
… and Near, at the same time...
Let’s follow the way of the soul…
Have a great Journey dearest soul-friend...